Narayanan not only emphasised on protecting the rights


It should be done in a proper, scientific manner, which we have not done in the past.” Initiating the debate after lunch, BJP MP from Rajasthan Bhupender Yadav said that the government wants to ensure that the country’s green cover grows and the rights China Aluminium Single Casement Door of those living in the forests are protected. This fund will be spent in a transparent manner. If we continue to do it in that fashion it would be a great tragedy.Share to be given to States (in crores)Orissa – Rs 5,996 Chattisgarh – Rs 3,861Madhya Pradesh – Rs 3,469Jharkhand – Rs 3,099 Maharashtra – Rs 2,435 Andhra Pradesh – Rs 2,223 Uttrakhand – Rs 2,210Arunachal Pradesh – Rs 1,462Rajasthan – Rs 1,425Himachal Pradesh — Rs 1,395Uttar Pradesh – Rs 1,314Gujarat — Rs 1,106 Jammu and Kashmir – Rs 926 Karnataka – Rs 917 What is CAMPA Bill CAMPA Bill aims at creating an institutional framework through which an unspent amount of Rs 42,000 crores for afforestation activities could be given to the states.

Raja stressed that “gram sabha’s opinion has to be taken into consideration because they represent the villagers and forest dweller.” “They (Gram Sabha) must be taken into confidence.” “I assure the House that the process is completely democratic and in case the rules are not found to be adequate we will revisit them in a year,” he said, prompting Opposition members, including Mr Ramesh, to not move their amendments during the voice vote, leading to smooth passage of the Bill. While TMC MP Mohd Nadimul Haque called for a state-level monitoring group to check that the fund is properly spent, BJD’s Dilip Kumar Tirkey cited the example of China saying India too must adopt technology whereby uprooted trees can be planted somewhere else.The Rajya Sabha on Thursday passed the Campa (Compensatory Afforestation Manage-ment and Planning Authority) Bill after the government assured the Opposition members of taking into account concerns raised by them. But due to the absence of a legal national body to ensure proper distribution this money was lying unspent.DMK leader TKS Elangovan suggested the title of the Bill be changed to “Targeted Afforestation Fund” Bill. He urged the government to review the bill and give some powers to state authorities. This fund is not of anybody but of team India.

“The funds should not be misspend as has been the case earlier,” said Mr Harivansh. Demanding more allocation of funds for Uttar Pradesh, Chaudhary Munawar Saleem of Samajwadi Party said the amount of Rs 42,000 crore was not “adequate” and the Centre should contribute more in it. 90 per cent of the amount now will go to states and the remaining will be there with the central government. I agree with Jairam Ramesh (Congress leader) that Gram Sabha’s approval or sanction is necessary. Speaking soon after him, Mr Narayanan added: “We require afforestation but it should not be like planting any tree anywhere.”

Pointing out that the Bill had a “limited” scope, D Raja of CPI stressed on protecting the bio-diversity while asserting that despite the Forest Rights Act, the forest dwellers were being “forcibly evicted”. “Some of the measures that can be taken up with these funds include improving wetlands, maintaining wild animals corridors, carry skill development programs for locals,” he added.” Citing “public participation” in clause 6 of the Bill, the newly-appointed minister assured the House that in case the land chosen to be afforested is with the gramsabha, their consultation will be taken and the rules under the law would be framed after their necessary consultation. He alleged that the Tribal Affairs Ministry had not been involved in the consultation while drafting the Bill.NCP leader Praful Patel while pointing out that “development and forests are two things which have to be taken together but this is a big challenge” urged the government to refrain from random afforestation but spend intelligently, uniformly and wisely. “Ever since the enactment of Panchayati Raj law, the government has to work as per their rules,” Mr Dave said, adding, “There may be some differences but states are capable of using the money wisely as per the constitution.

The money has been accumulated in the past four years from the compensation against deforestation activities in the country.”Congress leader Digvijay Singh said he supported the idea behind the Bill but not the manner of implementation prescribed. Replying to the debate on the Bill, environment minister Anil Madhav Dave said: “The money available under this fund is huge. JDU MP Harivansh and CPI (M) member C P Narayanan not only emphasised on protecting the rights of the forest dwellers, especially the tribals, they also urged the government to utilise the fund effectively. Mr Singh expressed apprehension that the money will be utilised for paying salaries of officers instead of afforestation purpose, while opposing the procedure of implementation of the Act saying the Gram Sabha was not represented and it opened a window for eviction of forest dwellers, most of whom were tribals.. Some members exhorted the Centre to be wary of “misspending” and trust the states in wisely using the funds. The debate over the Bill, that aims to pave way for smooth disbursal to the states of an accumulated amount of over `42,000 crore for afforestation activities, saw Opposition members urging the government to have inclusive approach towards gramsabhas, a concern voiced first by former environment minister and Congress MP Jairam Ramesh on Wednesday, besides ensuring protection of rights of tribals and forest dwellers.” P Rathinavel (AIADMK) said the key to increase the green cover was through better conservation practices and law. It would be returned to the states that have suffered deforestation on account of development


A spokesperson for American Airlines


According to Taylors lawsuit, the situation caused him to experience pain, injuries and discomfort during the whole flight, which was about 14 hours long.


A spokesperson for American Airlines in a statement said, "We just received the lawsuit and we are reviewing the allegations.United Airlines reached a settlement last week over a passenger who was dragged down the aisle of one of its jets, after refusing to give up his seat.Taylor was quoted as saying that he has since suffered back injuries, neck pain and injuries, ongoing discomfort and the aggravation of pre-existing scoliosis -- curvature of the spine." Taylors claim comes amid growing concern over airlines shrinking seats and cutting back on legroom in order to cram more passengers onto flights.


Michael Anthony Taylor, 67, of Wollongong, New South Wales, is seeking more than 100,000 dollars in damages from the airline, claiming he was crushed by the next passenger during the flight from Sydney to Los Angeles and refused permission to move to another seat."As a result of the fact that American Airlines failed to reseat him or even offer a viable alternative, he suffered bodily injuries by contorting his body within the cramped space caused by the intrusion of the grossly obese passenger sitting next to him," he said.Melbourne: An Australian man has sued American Airlines seeking over 100,000 dollars in compensation for getting squashed after being seated next to two "grossly obese" passengers during a nearly 14-hour flight.

The body of the passenger next to Taylor "spilt over and encroached" into his seat, forcing him to "contort his body into a series of positions including standing up, crouching, keeling and leaning forward".au reported.The case, brought in Australias Federal Court, follows a similar lawsuit last year in which an Italian lawyer sued Emirates airline after he was forced to "suffer" a nine-hour flight beside wholesale aluminium awning window an obese man.


According to documents lodged in court, Taylor was seated next to the window in economy class on the December 2015 flight, sharing the row with two passengers described as "grossly obese", news.The lawsuit also comes amid a growing row about the treatment of passengers by airlines in the United States, including a California family that was removed from their flight and threatened with having their children taken into care if they did not comply.Taylors lawyer, Thomas Jansen, said his client repeatedly asked the cabin crew if he could move to another seat, but he was not allowed.American Airlines recently announced that they are removing up to two inches of leg room in some passenger seats in the Economy class cabin in their new passenger aircraft


The norms requiring telecom firms to acquire


"The TRAI Act needs to be revisited and brought in line with other forward-looking enactments to suit the dynamics of fast-changing telecom sector," COAI said, adding that this would reduce the scope for disputes and ensure greater certainty for businesses."Moreover, seeking import licences for every service area separately becomes cumbersome."The association has suggested that the telecom department should seek periodic reports from operators rather than requiring them to seek separate licence for all RF equipment. It also said the telecom regulatory regime needs to be reworked to "iron out the creases", and has pitched for a simple structure and an in-built roadmap with timelines to ensure the ease of doing business.

On acquiring import licences, COAI said: "Without the same, customs department does not clear the entry of RF equipment into the country. This, according to COAI, will boost the countrys digitisation efforts. It further said that a single window clearance process should be established for the satellite spectrum assignment covering clearances from different agencies like ISRO and WPC (that is, Communications Ministrys Wireless Planning and Coordination wing).

"We believe that these audits are sufficient and there should not be duplication of efforts by multiple audits in a given financial year," it said.

The norms requiring telecom firms to acquire import licence for radio frequency equipment such as antennas and base station should be abolished as they hurt network rollout plans, cellular industry body COAI has said. "Due to this requirement, licensees having pan India presence cannot import RF equipment in large quantities and deploy the same in the different licensed areas.Noting that the telcos currently provide data in various formats to the telecom department at different points, COAI has stressed on the need for having a portal for online reporting of data by the telecom service providers.COAI has also batted for introduction of electronic bill or mobile bills as default option for postpaid services, replacing the hard copy.

"This requirement is a major bottleneck, as getting a clearance takes up to 1-2 months, and during this time, the RF equipment are withheld by the customs.COAI has also highlighted the need for doing away with multiple audits citing the statutory quarterly and annual audits already undertaken by China wooden-aluminium door the operators.In a submission to the telecom regulator on ease of doing telecom business in India, COAI has also said that the Trai Act should be "revisited". "Hence, we are of the view that import licence for RF equipment should be abolished," said the industry body whose members include incumbent operators such as Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea Cellular as also newcomer Reliance Jio


Binghamton University psychology professor


.Symptoms of Parkinsons disease are commonly managed using a selective dopamine receptor agonists. When patients take anti-parkinsonian drugs, over time they develop hyperkinetic movements that are hard to control, called dyskinesia. So we were quite astounded to discover that our new compound, D-512, was superior to the widely-used drug, ropinirole, in terms of maximal symptom relief and duration of action," said Lidenbach."A major issue for Parkinsons disease patients is the need to take multiple medications, multiple times per day.. While these drugs are useful in early-stage Parkinsons, they tend to lose efficacy in later disease stages.Bishop shared, "There are some intermediate steps that we may be involved in."The study was published in The British Journal of Pharmacology.

And when you couple that with the fact that its seemingly multifunctional.The researchers also noted that D-512 may have fewer side effects than current medications. Their goals are two-fold: to understand how D-512 actually provides neural protection and therapeutic relief, while also looking at different models of Parkinsons disease that will translate into the clinic. These findings followed on the heels of prior work by this collaborative group which demonstrated that D-512 may also protect again the progression of Parkinsons disease. I think one of these is determining whether this compound works in later stages to slow down the disease progression.

People suffering from Parkinsons disease, we might have some really important news for you.then what we have is a compound that just isnt currently available to Parkinsons patients but that we think has a lot of promise," noted Bishop.A research team including Binghamton University psychology professor Chris Bishop and former graduate student David Lindenbach recently employed a preclinical model of Parkinsons disease to compare the effects of the dopamine agonist ropinirole to their new drug, known as D-512. It seems to work very well if you give it really early, before the disease takes hold -- but looking at it at later time points and determining whether it can slow the disease down once its really taken hold, also has important implications. A team of researchers have developed a new drug that may limit the progression of Parkinsons disease while providing better symptom relief to potentially hundreds of thousands of people with the disease..The researchers are currently at a pre-clinical phase.Results demonstrated that D-512 was more efficacious than ropinirole in treating the symptoms of Parkinsons disease while also prolonging the time window in which the animals showed benefits. "What you have is a better therapeutic index with our drug versus the current medication.Coupled with D-512s beneficial effects on motor symptoms, they argue that it therapeutic features are highly desirable. As China aluminium casement window important, currently marketed drugs do not appear to modify disease progression


But she admits the cost of renting a dedicated


. The premises are not open to the public, but visits are occasionally organised. Then he took over a hall and then the entire second floor when 15 years ago it was deemed too fragile to withstand the heavy weight of sanitation trucks. Now retired, Molina still comes to the depot twice a week to look after his items, which he insists belong to the warehouse. Molina has spread out his collection with the utmost fastidiousness. Sanitation department rules prohibit workers from taking home anything they pick up on the streets but not from keeping objects at the work place. His son, who also works at the sanitation warehouse, was not interested in the task. Objects are grouped together thematically and lined up on tables: African statuettes, action toy dolls and typewriters.

Walk to the back of the depot, climb a small, steep staircase and you find yourself in an enormous space that at first sight might appear to be a flea market.” Skis stand next to a Native American children’s play tent. “He told me ‘you’re crazy, that’s too much work. Molina values his collection at $160,000 and calls it “Treasures in the Trash.“I don’t want anybody to take care of it,” he said.On the second floor of a sanitation truck depot in East Harlem, he has amassed an astonishing collection of thousands of objects once chucked in the bin but now lovingly cleaned and restored. In the next four to five years, the collection will have to move.Items are displayed as part of former New York sanitation worker Nelson Molina’s “Treasure in the Trash” gallery in New York. His favourite piece It’s a heavy Star of David sculpted from metal recovered from the site of the Twin Towers in remembrance of a victim of the 9/11 attacks. — AFPFor 30 years, sanitation worker Nelson Molina kept New York clean, and in the process found beauty in other people’s garbage, rescuing enough condemned items to fill a warehouse.Molina, something of a handyman, has mended broken objects and repaired electrical parts to bring back to life a Santa Claus and an artificial fountain.

“Ideally, it should stay in this neighbourhood,” says Robin Nagle, anthropologist in residence at the department of sanitation.’” But the future is uncertain. In a city that each day produces 12,000 tonnes of waste, Molina had to work hard. To walk the collection is to retrace 30 years of life in East Harlem in intimate detail from the majority Hispanic area, where Molina was born and still lives today.But none of these items are on sale, although China pvc door panel company some could fetch a pretty penny. But she admits the cost of renting a dedicated building would be exorbitant. There are dozens of photos and pictures, dated portraits of unknown people.

“I call that a museum but it’s not officially a museum,” says Molina, a man of slim build who retired in 2015 after 34 years at the sanitation department. The Metropolitan Hospital, which owns the site, wants to claim it back. At first, he kept his finds in a corner of the depot. There is a stained glass window and a memorabilia tie from the hit show Baywatch


Finance Ministry officials said the government


The bankrupt cannot also serve as a director of any company. And to claim insolvency protection, companies need to wait until at least half of their value is wiped out. He would also be disqualified from being elected or acting and voting as a member of any local authority. It also called for a shorter timeline reduced in a host of other clauses proposed in the Bill, which was tabled in the Lok Sabha in December last year.

The Code defines a bankrupt as "a debtor who has been adjudged as bankrupt by a bankruptcy order under section 126; or each of the partners of a firm where a bankruptcy order under section 126 has been made against a firm. New Delhi: A bankrupt person would stand automatically disqualified from becoming a law-maker once the new legislation that looks to slash the time it takes to wind up a dying company or recover dues from a defaulter is enacted. The Code is expected to be taken up for consideration and passage in the ongoing session of Parliament, which ends on May 13.. It also suggested that the time for filing an appeal in the Supreme Court against the order of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) should be brought down to 45 days from the proposed 60 days.

According to a clause in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2015, the bankrupt would stand disqualified from being appointed or acting as a public servant or being elected to any public office from the date of commencement of proceedings.The draft legislation provides for disqualification unless exempted by the Adjudicating Authority. Finance Ministry officials said the government has accepted all the changes suggested by the Joint Committee, including on disqualification of the bankrupt. The committee, which submitted report to Parliament on April 28, has suggested reduction in time window offered under different clauses to expedite the process. Under the existing provisions, individuals can go to jail for failing to repay just Rs 500.

 But a 30-member Joint Committee of Parliament, headed by BJP's Bhupender Yadav, has recommended not giving "discretion to the Adjudicating Authority to exempt the bankrupt China aluminium awning window factory from disqualifications"." Once declared bankrupt, the person would stand automatically disqualified from being appointed to or acting as a trustee or representative of any trust, estate or settlement. The panel said that in the case of insolvency, interest of workers should be fully protected and they should be given dues for 24 months as against 12 months proposed in the Bill. The draft legislation provides for disqualification unless exempted by the Adjudicating Authority


An all-rounder gives you the option of playing

“And as a professional, that’s what we are expected to do, be it IPL or international cricket.“I will be lying if I say that I have moved on,” said Dhoni as Pune Supergiants unveiled their jersey here on Monday..Dhoni said there is “no direct relation between the player’s value in the auction and his game”.“What a player earns in an auction doesn’t really reflects his value or game, it is more about what a team needs.‘All-rounders the way ahead’Stressing the role of an all-rounder, Dhoni said having such players in the squad was always a plus. They fulfil a team’s requirement. If you have a set number of players and now you need a young leg-spinner, the bidding of that player will go high,” he explained.”‘Can’t mix pay with performance’The IPL auction earlier his month saw many surprises with young names like Pawan Negi, Nathu Singh and M.”Refusing to talk about the recent allegations on the 2004 Manchester Test against England being “fixed” or “the controversial situations leading to the termination of the Chennai franchise”, the 34-year-old said he “believed in living in the present”.

“People, especially old-time cricketers, question that if seven batsmen cannot get the job done, how would the eighth one help But it is often the eighth batsman who contributes to the win.Dhoni is finding it difficult to “make the shift”.“I have often heard people say that a young player has earned x amount of money and he has scored just 10 runs in the IPL.

“The IPL has got its share of bad name, but we have to look at the positives that it has brought to Indian cricket. Most of the guys will be playing the T20 World Cup followed by the IPL, so it should be an exciting season. (Photo: PTI)Mahendra Singh Dhoni is set to turn a new page in the Indian Premier League when he dons the purple and orange jersey of the Rising Pune Supergiants in Season Nine, but his heart still beats for Chennai Super Kings.“I have the emotional connect but at the same time we need to have a professional connect. It doesn’t matter if it’s a spinning all-rounder or a seaming one, they are the way forward. We get to know how an individual handles pressure and it later translates to the international stage. Every year, it gives us new talent who play 14 games in front of big crowds.

“An all-rounder gives you the option of playing an extra batsman or a bowler. This is how I view IPL,” he said. There will be added responsibility for me at Pune. Ashwin attracting huge sums, while a few big ones Mahela Jayawardene, Cheteshwar China wholesale Aluminium Casement Window Pujara and Michael Hussey among others, remained unsold.Owner Sanjiv Goenka, Chairman, RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group and captain M S Dhoni of Rising Pune Supergiants team unveiling the official team jersey for IPL Season 9 in New Delhi.Dhoni has long been CSK’s general and it is hard to imagine him without the yellow jersey in which he lifted the trophy twice and finished second on four occasions. Mired in spot-fixing and betting, Chennai and Rajasthan Royals were banned for two years thus opening the window for teams from Pune and Rajkot. We have picked three in the side and we have got cover for everyone. “I cannot suddenly say that I am very excited to play for a new team and it will be wrong if I don’t give credit to CSK and the people of Chennai for the last eight years of love and affection that they have given to the team and me. So he is earning Rs 1 lakh per run but that is not the case